Saturday, 16 May 2009

Chapter 0.2: Rainfall

We waited inside the house as the teardrops came falling from the sky.

We watched silently as the grass swallowed the water in greed.

The river was moving faster in anger, as the fishes swam to its deep

The insects that were left on the outside fled in despair and tried to find shelter in the search for a better life

The ones that couldn’t fly were taken by the flooding.

They kicked and screamed but no one seemed to hear

Or ignored them and watched as their lives were washed away by the water

The ones that survived fought against the cold wind

Some crawled into the cracks on the walls in hope.

Some followed the light and burned away.

In the middle of their suffering you said

“There’s something comforting on the rain”

I wondered if they would survive as you involved me in a warm bear-stamped blanket

“They’ll be ok.” You said as you were reading my mind. “Everything will be OK”

And now I wander.

Did we drown ourselves that day?

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